Spotlight on the 16th Fem’Energia Awards
Organised by EDF and the Women in Nuclear (WiN) association, with support from the Institut de France and the French Academy of Sciences, the Fem’Energia 2024 awards ceremony shone a light on the winners of six distinct prizes, celebrating their inspiring achievements, work, and experiences. These women exemplify the growing impact of diversity and female expertise in shaping the nuclear sector.
The 2024 Fem’Energia ceremony, an annual event since 2009, took place on November 26 in Paris. It featured speeches by Olga Givernet, Minister Delegate for Energy under the Minister of Ecological Transition, Energy, Climate, and Risk Prevention, and Salima Saa, Secretary of State for Equality between Women and Men.
Addressing the challenges of extending the lifespan of existing reactors and building new ones, Cédric Lewandowski, EDF’s Executive Group Director for Nuclear and Thermal Fleet Management, remarked:
“We need all available expertise, and women’s skills—still underrepresented in scientific and technical fields—are absolutely vital. At the Nuclear and Thermal Fleet Division (DPNT), thanks in part to the significant work by Muriel Hautemulle, women now make up 6,294 of our 31,409 employees, or 20% of our workforce. They also account for 28% of our management committees, and four women currently lead nuclear power plants.”
WiN France 2024 Prize
Alongside the six Fem’Energia Awards, the prestigious WiN France 2024 Prize was also presented. This year’s winner is Patricia Roussel-Chomaz, Director of the Grand Accélérateur National d’Ions Lourds (GANIL). Since 2022, Patricia has led GANIL in Caen, becoming the first woman to hold this position since its creation. Her career exemplifies exceptional scientific and human contributions. Trained at the École Normale Supérieure and holding a doctorate from Paris XI University, Patricia has had a prestigious career at the CEA, specializing in heavy-ion accelerators and nuclear reactions. Author of over 300 articles, she has held strategic positions, including Director of Research Programmes.
Celebrating Pride and Excellence: The Winners
Under the leadership of Muriel Hautemulle, HR Director of EDF’s Nuclear and Thermal Fleet Division, and Emmanuelle Galichet, President of Women in Nuclear (WiN France), the ceremony honoured winners in six categories. Congratulations to all!
High School Student Award
- 1st Prize: Lucie Rethore, apprentice at CNPE Blayais, presented by Tarik Choho, President of Nuclear Fuel at Westinghouse.
Undergraduate Student Awards (BAC+2/BAC+3)
- 1st Prize: Orlane Millet, apprentice at CNPE Cruas with EDF, presented by Salima Saa, Secretary of State for Gender Equality, who emphasized the importance of encouraging girls into science from middle school onwards. She also addressed the gender disparity, often influenced by stereotypes and family expectations, which still affect young women’s educational choices.
- 2nd Prize: Amandine Coudene, apprentice at Orano Tricastin. Presented by Jean-Michel Quilichini, Director of EDF’s Nuclear Fuel Division.
- 3rd Prize (tie): Alexia Deshors, apprentice at CNPE St Alban – DIPDE, presented by Laurence Roy, Technical Director of Reactor Projects at Assystem; Satine Mialon, apprentice at Onet Technologies, presented by Emilie de Lombares, Chairwoman of Onet Technologies.
Postgraduate Student Awards (BAC+5 and above)
- 1st Prize: Christina Baslari, PhD student at CEA Saclay, recognized for her outstanding research career in the nuclear field. Presented by Olga Givernet.
- 2nd Prize: Moussa Amintou Rachida, intern at EDF DISC/CNEPE, presented by Sophie Eliet, HR Director of EDF’s Engineering and Supply Chain Division.
- 3rd Prize: Emma Levêque, apprentice at Orano La Hague, presented by Jean-Christophe Patout, Director of the Dismantling and Services Business Unit at Orano.
Junior Professional Awards
- 1st Prize: Laurane Maria-Pellen of EDF – DIPDE, presented by Cédric Lewandowski.
- 2nd Prize: Dandara Araujo Da Silva of Framatome, presented by Stéphanie Guenot-Bresson, Commissioner at ASN’s Board.
- 3rd Prize: Amaratou Mahamadou Saley of Ineo Nucléaire, presented by Mounir Boukil, CEO of Ineo Nucléaire.
Experienced Professional Awards
- 1st Prize: Almas Amara, presented by Elisabeth Terrail, Senior Executive Vice President for Human Resources at Framatome.
- 2nd Prize: Lena Andriolo, EDF R&D, presented by Jérémy Houstraete, EDF Group Employment and Skills Director.
- 3rd Prize: Sarah Dastrevigne, EDF – DIPDE, presented by Laurence Piketty, Deputy Director General of the CEA.
Group Submissions Awards
- 1st Prize: “The Crisalides” team, a trio of experts from IRSN, INTRA Group, and EDF, recognized for their work on crisis management. Presented by Caroline Chavanas, EDF Group HR Director.
- 2nd Prize (tie): “Nous les femmes du DEM” from Orano La Hague, presented by Olivier Lamarre, Director of EDF’s Thermal, Expertise, and Multidisciplinary Industrial Support Division; “Les Radiantes” from Nuvia Process, presented by Sébastien Diaz, CEO of Nuvia France.
- 3rd Prize: “Les Walkyries Atomiques” from EDF – EPR2 Penly, presented by Olivier Bard, General Delegate of Gifen, and David Soulie, HR Director of Altrad Endel.
Special Jury Prize
Presented by Étienne Dutheil, EDF’s Nuclear Production Division Director, this award went to Fatiha Bouikannaoui, engineer at CNPE Blayais.■