Opinion: The French Are Broadly Convinced of the Utility of Nuclear Energy

According to a survey conducted at the end of 2024 by Gifen, the French are largely convinced of the usefulness of nuclear energy for electricity production and the reindustrialization of the country. Moreover, the opinion that nuclear energy helps fight climate change is now shared by a significant majority of the French population.

At the end of November 2024, Gifen (Groupement des industriels français de l’énergie nucléaire) conducted a survey among the French population about their perception of nuclear energy, in partnership with Bastille Magazine. The survey was conducted online by Harris Interactive using a proven method and involved a sample of just over 1,100 individuals, representative of the French population. The survey illustrates that the French are overwhelmingly convinced of the utility of nuclear energy, with 75% of respondents expressing support for its use in electricity production in France. This consensus is shared across all demographic categories, regardless of gender, age, or socio-professional background. In terms of political affiliation, this consensus also exists, with the exception of those close to ecological movements, of whom nearly half (47%) still support nuclear energy.

Increasing Favorability Towards Nuclear Energy

Nuclear energy now enjoys a relatively good image among the public, with 63% of French people viewing it positively, although it still ranks below renewable energies in this regard. This positive perception is more prevalent among men and/or older individuals. Furthermore, 54% of respondents favor the joint development of nuclear and renewable energies when asked about the development of low-carbon energy sources. Meanwhile, 30% would prefer to focus exclusively on renewables, and 15% on nuclear energy alone. These findings highlight an understanding of the necessity, particularly in light of climate challenges, to develop all forms of low-carbon energy.

Nuclear energy’s positive image is also tied to its significant and strategic role in ensuring the country’s energy independence. Indeed, 85% of respondents believe that nuclear energy contributes to France’s energy independence, consistent with previous surveys on the subject. Additionally, more than 80% are convinced that nuclear energy enables the production of competitive electricity (84%), creates jobs (82%), and promotes the reindustrialization of the country (80%). Regarding nuclear energy’s role in combating climate change, this view is now shared by a majority of French people (62%), marking a significant evolution in recent years, as noted in the Obs’COP climate study.

Finally, regarding other potential uses of nuclear energy, the French believe they are feasible, particularly for decarbonizing the economy through heat production (80%) or hydrogen production (61%). Moreover, nuclear energy is also seen as viable for applications in medicine (69%)—already the case in imaging and treatments—and space exploration (68%). These findings indicate that the French increasingly recognize nuclear energy’s potential beyond its primary role in electricity production. ■

By the editorial team (Sfen)

Image: @shutterstock